


カンファレンスで一回聞いてメモを取ったのを、後から動画で再現したので、1割くらいは私が勝手に脚色してます。笑 よかったらぜひ覚えて子供たちに披露してみてください♬

Mr. Wiggle and Mr. Waggle live somewhere in the world, and they are good friends.
One day, Mr. Wiggle decided to visit his friend, Mr. Waggles house.
He opened the door, stepped out, and closed the door.
He went up the hill and down the hill, and up the hill and down the hill…
He reached Mr. Waggle’s house and knocked the door.
“Knock, knock!” But no one answered.
So Mr. Wiggle knocked the door again but louder.
“Knock, knock!” But still, no one answered.
Mr. Wiggle said, “Mr.Waggle!!”
No one answered.
So Mr. Wiggle decided to go back to his home.
He went down the hill and up the hill, and down the hill and up the hill…
When he reached his home, he opened the door, stepped in, and closed the door.
And he went to bed.

Next day, Mr. Waggle decided to visit his friend, Mr. Wiggles house.
He opened the door, stepped out, and closed the door.
He went up the hill and down the hill, and up the hill and down the hill…
He reached Mr. Wiggle’s house and knocked the door.
“Knock, knock!” But no one answered.
So Mr. Waggle knocked the door again but louder.
“Knock, knock!” But still, no one answered.
Mr. Waggle said, “Mr.Wiggle!!”
No one answered.
So Mr. Waggle decided to go back to his home.
He went down the hill and up the hill, and down the hill and up the hill…
When he reached his home, he opened the door, stepped in, and closed the door.
And he went to bed.

Next day, Mr. Wiggle and Mr. Waggle both decided to visit their friend’s house.
They opened the door, stepped out, and closed the door.
They went up the hill and down the hill, and up the hill and down the hill…
Then finally, they met at the top of the hill!
Mr. Wiggle said, “I went to your home the other day!”
Mr. Waggle said, “I went to your home yesterday!”
They started to talk there, and they said, “Next time, if we want to visit, let’s make a phone call first.”
Then they said good bye and went back to their home.
They went down the hill and up the hill, and down the hill and up the hill…
When they reached their home, they opened the door, stepped in, and closed the door.
Then they went to bed and had a good dream.


カナダ・バンクーバー近郊にある公立大学Capilano Universityで保育を勉強。日本では広告業界で働いていたので保育関連の知識や経験はゼロでしたが、卒業後無事フルタイムの保育士として現地の保育園に就職しました。移住を目標にカナダへ来たので、次の目標は永住権取得。ビザや永住権に関するトピックにも触れながらカナダの保育についての生の情報をお届けします!
2018年度 カナダワーキングホリデー開始!
2018年度 カナダワーキングホリデー開始!
November 03 2017
March 08 2022
September 22 2021
May 23 2018